One of the best, “not just for cycling” products I came upon recently is paraben-free Beljum Budder. Though its manufacturer considers it a skin lubricant and chamois creme designed to address friction and chafing problems during cycling and other exercise, my experience is that it is far more. When all else fails to seal in moisture and restore skin softness, Beljum budder comes through.
This product deserves a place in your first aid kit.
Recently, while drawing with pastels, the chalk had wicked all the moisture from my hands– leaving them parched and rough. Even coconut oil wouldn’t relieve the dryness. Then, I remembered how impressed I was by Beljum Budder’s ability to lubricate my skin and chamois when I’d last used it on a long hot ride.
I frantically searched my house for the generous 8 oz tube.
The complement of natural ingredients including vitamin A, D & E and a variety of botannicals provided instant relief, nourishing and softening my rough hands without leaving any greasy residue.
The makers of Beljum Budder want you to know about parabens and how dangerous they are to your body–especially in cases of prolonged contact like in a chamois while sitting on a bicycle seat. Because they care about you, they have left the parabens out as well as all fragrances and petroleum products. Although Beljum Budder is non-staining and anti-bacterial, the makers recommend washing with soap and water as soon as possible after a ride and changing into breathable clothing. I heartily agree.
Cost of an 8 oz tube is $19.95. Check out to purchase online or find a retailer in your area.